Post-Study Work Opportunities in UK Worth Billions, But the Current Rules are Making fewer Students Enroll in Programs

Post-Study Work Opportunities in UK Worth Billions, But the Current Rules are Making fewer Students Enroll in Programs

A recent study by Universities UK shows that the UK’s decision in 2019 to give non-EU students extended post-study work opportunities in UK, which started in July 2021, helped bring a lot more money into the UK economy. However, the current policies are now leading fewer enrollment at different programs in UK. 

Highlights of post-study work opportunities and the current UK rules

Are you in short of time? Let’s explore the highlights of post-study work opportunities in UK and the current UK rules

  • In 2021, new rules about post-study work opportunities in UK brought over 600,000 more international students to the UK and boosted the economy by over €60 billion between 2019 and 2023. 
  • However, recent changes in policies are making fewer international students want to study in the UK. This has worried universities, organizations, and others. 
  • A survey of 70 UK universities found that there was a 40% drop in international students starting postgraduate courses in January 2024.

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    Details about the post-study work opportunities in UK

    Between 2019 and 2023, the Graduate Route program provide international students 2 to 3 years post-study work opportunities in UK after finishing their studies. This program was supported by the UK’s International Education Strategy:

    • The Graduate Route program helped bring in 632,000 more international students in their first year of study. 
    • This program also added £62.6 billion to the UK economy during the students’ time in university.

    The study used the newest information from HESA about the academic year 2021-22, an analysis by London Economics on the advantages and disadvantages of international students, and visa data from the Home Office up to September 2023.

    A boost of more than £60 billion to the UK’s economy is a really big deal, but a recent survey by Censuswide found that only 3% of 2,000 British adults they asked knew about it. They also didn’t know how much money goes to the NHS from the Immigration Health Surcharge paid by international students.

    Current changes in UK rules affect student enrollment

    The London Economics study shows how much the Graduate Route policy helped the UK’s economy. Now, another policy change is showing how government decisions can affect things, but this time it’s not good news. Most international students can no longer bring their family members with them to the UK, starting in January 2024.

    Enroly, a platform used by around 60 UK universities, has noticed big decreases in people wanting to study in the UK. This is especially true for India and Nigeria, which are two of the biggest non-EU countries where students come from.

    More worrying news comes from a survey of over 70 universities about the number of students starting taught postgraduate courses. The survey found that these enrollments dropped by over 40% in January 2024, which is when the ban on bringing family members went into effect. The ban doesn’t apply to international students in research-focused postgraduate programs.

    A Review on Graduate Route adds more Uncertainty to study in the UK

    The government said it’s looking into the Graduate Route this year through its Migration Observatory Committee. A survey by IDP in January 2024 asked 2,500 students about this review. More than a third of them, which is 37%, said this review made them reconsider studying abroad or pick a different country to study in uk.

    The chief executive of Universities UK (UUK), Vivienne Stern, commented: “The number of international students coming to the UK is already falling, but there is now a real danger of an over-correction.”

    John Foster, who is the main person in charge of policies and campaigns for the Confederation of Business Industry (CBI), which is the UK’s main business group, said that just the idea of limiting the post-study work opportunities in UK, is already affecting how many people want to come.

    Stay connected with AIMS Education to get more updates on UK immigration laws and student support services. 

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