Canada Student Visa Rejection Reasons

Canada Student Visa Rejection Reasons
Canada Student Visa Rejection Reasons

Want to study in Canada? Securing admission in Canada is a great achievement. As an international student, you must have a study permit or student visa. Due to many reasons, a student can get a student visa rejection in Canada. Knowing them in detail will help you to avoid these reasons.

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    Common reasons of Canada student visa rejection:

    There are no one or two specific reasons for a Canada student visa rejection. There can be many. But most of the time, an international student gets the refusal for the following reasons-


    Presentation is very important, and as an international student, you must present everything honestly before the Canadian immigration officer. Though there are thousands of reasons for visa rejection. But hiding something or telling a lie is the most common one. International students often think that they can bluff the immigration officer by hiding the truth. But the reality is that the immigration officers are smarter and more experienced than you think. Every day they deal with many applicants like you. Don’t hide if you have any previous visa rejection and never lie on this. 

    If you get caught lying, you will get a ban for misinterpretation and will be unable to apply for the Canadian student visa for the next 5 years. So, it is better to get a visa rejection by telling the truth than getting banned for telling lies. Besides, if you get banned for 5 years, and after that apply news, your study permit application will be viewed more rigorously as your ban created a negative impression on the immigration officer. Consequently, you might get another visa rejection. 

    Low IELTS score:

    IELTS is very important to get a Canadian student visa. Though you can apply with other English language certificates, most of the Canadian universities allow applicants who have a good IELTS score. If you take IELTS and get a score of 5 or 5.5, you may apply to some of the Canadian institutions and get accepted. But do you ever think about the quality of universities that accept this score? And by enrolling to these types of universities, how will you justify your chances of succeeding in a career?

    When international students like us apply to foreign universities, we often justify the reason by saying that the university we want to enroll in Canada has more quality than the previous university we studied. But if you choose a low graded university in Canada, your intention and action won’t speak the same language and you can’t give the proper explanation, you will get a visa rejection.

    Proof of Fund:

    If your visa gets rejected on the basis of finance, it means you have inadequate funds or you have failed to provide proof of funds. To study in Canada, you have to provide one year of tuition fees with other costs and the living cost. If you failed to show all the required documents that prove you have paid the tuition fees of the first year and the living costs, then it can be a reason for your visa rejection. Besides, you have to prove the source of funds such as from savings, loan or scholarships.

    In short, you have to prove your source of income is from a legitimate source. However, if you are applying through the Student Direct Stream, you must buy the GIC certificate. If you are planning to study in Quebec, you must provide the Quebec Acceptance Certificate. 

    Lack of explanation:

    Proper explanation and documentation is a must when you want to study in Canada. When the visa officer questions you, you must provide a proper explanation. If the immigration officer is not convinced or doubts on your purpose of studying in Canada, he may reject your Canada student visa application. To avoid this error, you must have a strong statement of purpose that shows your true passion and reason to choose a program and an institution in Canada and how it can relate to your career goals.

    Choice of Program

    If your choice of program is not aligned to your previous program or education, then you may get a visa rejection. If your chosen study program is not aligned to your career path, or last education, or not a logical step after your previous education, then the immigration officer will have a doubt on your purpose of coming to Canada. For example, if you have completed an MBA from your home country, and are now applying for a graduate diploma, the authorities will definitely take it in the wrong way.

    Because, in Canada, the demand for an MBA is higher than the diploma courses. However, if you choose a different program than the previous one, make sure you provide proper reasoning in the statement of purpose. 

    Inconsistent academic record

    While applying for a visa application, you have to provide all the previous academic transcripts and certificates. By seeing it, the immigration officers will understand two things- your past education duration and academic records. So if your documentation is not adequate to prove it, you will get a visa rejection in Canada.

    If your institution is not DLI listed

    If you apply to a university or institution that is not DLI listed, and get a letter of acceptance from it, your visa will more likely to get rejected. It is because an international student only qualifies for a study permit, if he gets a letter of acceptance from a Designated Learning Institution.

    Study gaps

    Study gaps might happen due to many reasons. But while applying to study in Canada, you must provide proper justification behind the gap years. If you failed to provide it, you will get a rejection for the Canada student visa.

    Family connection in Canada and your home country

    While applying to a Canadian University, if you have strong family connections in Canada, you might get a visa rejection. It is because the immigration officer will think after reaching Canada, you will not come back to your home country as your strong family members are living in Canada. Besides, if you show that you do not have any strong family ties in your home country, still your visa will get a rejection because you will have no reason to go back to your home country after completing education.

    Rejection due to medical or criminal grounds

    If you have medical reasons or engaged in a crime in the past, it can be a strong reason for visa rejection while studying in Canada. However, if you were engaged in a crime at your minor age, you may get a visa.

    Getting help from an unlicensed education consultant

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    When you take help from an education consultant, make sure they are authorized by CICC. Approved education consultants are called Regulated International Student Immigration Advisors (RISIAs), and each RISIA is affiliated with a university or college in Canada.

    In short, there are many reasons for visa rejection. But these are some of the common reasons that most of the applicants face. So what’s the solution? Before applying to study in Canada, get help from experienced and knowledgeable counselors or experts who can show you the most accurate and proper way to study in Canada.

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    There are two actions you can take if you get a visa rejection. Either you can appeal for the refusal or address the refusal reason in the new application.

    A Canadian student visa  rejection happens for many reasons. But there are common reasons that can happen for many applicants. Such as: hiding or telling lies, insufficient finance, inadequate documentation, and improper explanation of your intention to  study in Canada.

    The background check is a process that is used to verify information regarding criminal record, academic records, and employment history.

    If your Canada student visa gets the approval, you will notice an approved stamp if you are applying through courier. However, if the visa is rejected, then you will find a letter that will explain why your visa gets rejected. If you apply online, you can check the visa status online.

    In most cases, you will not get a refund if your student visa gets refused in Canada after processing it.


    The university authority can anytime change their entry requirements, tuition fees, course options, scholarship opportunities and other requirements for international students. This blog is written with current information regarding the university requirements. But if there is any confusion about any kind of information regarding any university you can contact us directly.

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