
The Number of International Students in Australia is Breaking All Records | Australian Government Opposition

A former Australian minister has claimed that the number of international students in Australia is now too high. Although he previously promoted the country as a destination of international students’ choice, he is now opposing his speech. Shadow Minister Dan Tehan said that this year half a million international students have applied for Australia which is a record. 

Record-breaking application of international students in Australia!

Dan Tehan, Shadow Immigration Minister, Australia said that – ‘In the last financial year, over a half million students have come to this country’. He added that despite processing fewer applications they are getting a record number of students.  The number of international students in Australia is so high that the country is now facing a housing and rental crisis. Even in the capital cities in Australia people are facing a lot of congestion. 

In December 2023, Australia’s current government said that the new migration strategy in Australia includes changes in the Genuine Student Test and the length of graduate visas. 

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    New migration strategy to reduce international students in Australia

    Home affairs in Australia have received higher levels of fraudulent documents, fraud related to English language testing, non-genuine claims, and non-genuine subsequent marriages being presented in student visa applications in the previous year. So they decided to implement a genuine student test so that they can reduce the number of frauds. Dan Tehan said that, obviously, Australia is a great choice for international students but the high migration rate is not good for them and not good for Australia also.

    They also added that the number of student visa holders will drop by more than 90,000 this financial year. They think that the new genuine student test will help them to reduce fraud and the decreased number of student visas will help them to resolve their home and rental crisis. The decreased number of international students in Australia will reduce the traffic jams also.

    To get more updates about the international students in Australia, keep your eye on AIMS Education.

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