Student Consultancy Firm in Sylhet

Student Consultancy Firm in Sylhet

Are you a resident of Sylhet and in search of the best student consultancy firm in Sylhet? Welcome, you are in the right place. Generally, a student is looking for the best consultancy firm when he is interested in studying abroad. Without any doubt, AIMS Education is the best education consultancy firm you will find in Sylhet. So, congratulations on my side for taking the prompt decision of overseas education. I must say, one day you will be proud of your decision.

Education Consultancy Firm in Sylhet- a root to have benefits of studying abroad

Studying abroad will help you in many ways. It will be a life-changing decision for a student. From experience, skills, and knowledge to taste independence, you can have all in one. Though the benefits of studying abroad are uncountable, let’s share some with you.

  • Your CV with an overseas degree will attract employers a lot.
  • You will experience different people, traditions, customs, and a chance to know yourself.
  • You will get a degree that will be globally recognized.
  • You will get a quality education and a quality living.
  • Studying abroad will enhance your language skills.
  • Working part-time will hone your professional skills.
  • An overseas education will approve you of a post-graduation work permit.
  • Moreover, an overseas education can open the door of permanent residency for you.

I know learning about the benefits, your intention to study abroad has become stronger. You can taste the fruits of benefits from the educational consultancy firm in Sylhet named AIMS education.

AIMS Education- A Student Consultancy firm in Sylhet for international students

This section will talk about AIMS Education- a student consultancy firm in Sylhet for international students. But before talking, won’t it be better to know about the educational consultancy firm? So, without waiting, let’s start.

Education consultancy is a firm that offers help and advice to a student to study abroad. A students consultancy firm consists of many experienced counselors and partners. They are well-trained, motivated learners and have real-life experiences in studying abroad.

There are two types of educational consultancy firms available in Bangladesh. The Authorized and the Unauthorized agency to study abroad.

Authorized Education Agency-

An authorized education agency works as a collaborative second party. They have a direct partnership with many international universities. So the facility, the information you will get will be authentic. An authorized education agency can make direct connections between the representatives and students.

Unauthorized Education Agency-

The unauthorized education agency does not work directly with international institutions. Instead, they work as a third party. The disadvantage of it is the communication gaps that make much miscommunication.

AIMS Education

AIMS Education is an educational consultancy firm in Sylhet. Besides, it has another branch in Dhaka. Moreover, AIMS Education has international branches in London and Morocco. Also, It will open its offices in Pakistan, Nigeria, and India.

AIMS Education helps potential students to study abroad. Easing the study abroad journey, the counsellors help students in many ways. When you choose AIMS education as a student, you will get genuine information. They provide students with all truthful information about international institutions and universities.

If you are willing to enrol in the UK, USA, Canada then AIMS Education can be one of the best choices. The counsellors of AIMS education in Sylhet and Dhaka inform you of the UK, USA, Canada, and Australia’s universities.

AIMS Education always believes in a transparent and honest working policy. We will match the student’s qualifications and the entry requirements of the international university. After matching all things, if we find the things don’t match together, we will tell it. Moreover, we will learn about your career, university, and country choice first. After that, we will suggest you the university/ institution goes well with you.

AIMS Education in Sylhet is very popular because of the service they provide to the students. We have a package of knowledgeable and experienced people in the office. We are so friendly that you will not feel uneasy when visiting their office. We will do everything for you, from the application or visa processing. Usually, for the UK, we don’t take any service charge. And for USA and Canada, we charge a sum of money after you get the visa.

AIMS Education is best for overseas aspiring students. We are an authorized agent and direct partnered with many UK, USA, and Canadian universities. So taking our help, you will get the end-to-end service when you reach your desired destinations, et in touch with you.

Education Consultancy firm in Sylhet for the UK

If you want an education consultancy firm in Sylhet for the UK, you can choose AIMS Education. Do you know AIMS Education has 100% UK visa ratio? The students of Sylhet are very satisfied with AIMS Education. Many students take their flight to the UK for higher education every year. We are a direct partner with many universities in the UK. Besides, we affiliate with many UK universities to provide many Bachelors, Masters, and Pathway programs. AIMS Education has its branch office in the UK.

Education Consultancy Firm in Sylhet for the USA

Are you looking for an education consultancy firm in Sylhet for the USA? The USA is a great study destination. Taking a degree from a USA university will add up many achievements for you. You can come to AIMS education in the right direction to study in the USA. We are directly partnered with many USA universities. Moreover, we have in-depth knowledge of tuition fees, university rank, scholarship. After knowing your eligibility, our counsellors will advise you on the best university and course.

Education Consultancy Firm in Sylhet for Canada

AIMS education- an education consultancy firm in Sylhet for Canada. Canada’s education is well-known for its quality education and living. Also, you can apply for PR after staying in Canada for specific years. Now, why should you choose AIMS Education? We have partnerships and links with many Canadian universities also. We can apply for Bachelor’s, master’s, Diploma or pathway programs through us. We are affiliated with many top-ranked Canadian institutions, colleges, and universities.

So, if you want a smooth study abroad experience without wasting your time, come to AIMS education.

Study abroad expo in AIMS Education- Education consultancy firm in Sylhet

AIMS Education arranges many in-house and outdoor study abroad expos. In the expo, we make a bridge between the university representatives from the UK, USA, Canada and students. We provide students with a chance to make direct communication with the representatives.

AIMS Education is a sister concern of AIMS English and AIMS Academy. So, when you lack any qualification in English, or you have poor results/ study gap, don’t worry. AIMS English and AIMs Academy will offer you the English or OTHM course to make you qualify to study abroad.

FAQ -Frequently Asked Question

Q: Which consultancy firm can help me to study abroad?

Ans: There are many consultancy firms in Bangladesh. If you want a reliable one, you must visit AIMS Education once.

Q: What will be the cost of studying abroad?

Ans: The cost of studying abroad depends on the country and course you want to choose. Moreover, many scholarships and part-time jobs are available to reduce the costs.

Q: Which country is best for studying abroad?

Ans: The UK, USA, and Canada are the best country to study abroad.

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Welcome to AIMS Education. Book your FREE 30-minutes Profile Evaluation with Our Experts. Take the first step to make your study abroad dream a reality. Get end-to-end assistance with university shortlisting, application, scholarship, visa and finance.