Studying in Europe without IELTS from Bangladesh

Studying in Europe without IELTS from Bangladesh

Are you looking to study in Europe, but you do not have IELTS? For many Bangladeshi students aspiring to pursue higher education in Europe, language proficiency exams like IELTS or TOEFL can be a barrier. However, several European countries and universities offer opportunities for international students, including those from Bangladesh, to study without requiring IELTS scores. This guide will walk you through the process, eligibility criteria, and top universities for studying in Europe without IELTS from Bangladesh.

Why study in Europe?

Europe is a hub for academic excellence, offering a diverse range of courses, cultural experiences, and globally recognized degrees. Many European countries boast prestigious universities with cutting-edge research facilities, renowned faculty, and a multicultural environment that fosters personal and academic growth. Studying in Europe offers a myriad of advantages that make it an attractive destination for international students:

Academic Excellence

Europe is home to some of the oldest and most prestigious universities in the world. Institutions like Oxford, Cambridge, Sorbonne, and Heidelberg boast centuries of academic tradition and excellence. 

Multicultural Experience

Studying in Europe exposes you to a rich cultural tapestry. With students from around the globe, you’ll encounter diverse perspectives, languages, and traditions. This multicultural environment fosters tolerance, broadens your worldview, and nurtures lifelong friendships and professional networks.

Linguistic Diversity

Europe is a continent where multiple languages coexist. Studying there offers a chance to learn or improve your language skills, whether it’s English, French, German, Spanish, or any other European language. Being bilingual or multilingual enhances career prospects and cultural understanding.

Affordable Education

Compared to some other destinations like the US or UK, many European countries offer relatively affordable education, with several universities providing scholarships, grants, and low tuition fees. Some countries even offer free education for international students.

Is it possible to study in Europe without IELTS for Bangladeshi students?

Yes, Bangladeshi students can study in Europe without IELTS. Many European universities and countries offer alternatives to the IELTS requirement for international students, including those from Bangladesh. These alternatives typically include: TOEFL, PTE, Duolingo, CAE, etc. 

The specific requirements and alternatives vary among universities and countries. While some institutions have flexible criteria regarding language proficiency, others might still require proof of English proficiency through standardized tests or other means.

It’s crucial to research and directly contact universities or educational consultants in Europe to understand their admission policies, requirements, and available alternatives for demonstrating English proficiency.

Popular countries to study in Europe without IELTS from Bangladesh

Several European countries offer opportunities for Bangladeshi students to study without requiring IELTS scores. Here are some popular countries to study in Europe without IELTS from Bangladesh:

Studying in Germany without IELTS

Known for its world-class education system and diverse range of programs taught in English, Germany is a favored destination. Many universities, including the University of Freiburg and the Free University of Berlin, waive the IELTS requirement for certain courses, accepting alternative English proficiency tests or academic qualifications.

Studying in France without IELTS

France hosts numerous universities and institutions that offer English-taught programs without stringent language test requirements. The University of Paris and several others have programs where language proficiency can be proven through other means, making it accessible for Bangladeshi students.

Studying in Norway without IELTS

Universities in Norway, such as the University of Oslo, often offer programs in English and might waive the IELTS requirement for students meeting specific criteria, such as completing previous education in English or providing other language proficiency proofs.

Studying in Sweden without IELTS

Swedish universities like Lund University are popular among international students. They accept alternative English proficiency tests in place of IELTS or might consider academic records as proof of language proficiency for certain courses.

Studying in Poland without IELTS

Universities in Poland, like the University of Warsaw, offer a variety of English-taught programs and may not mandate IELTS scores, providing flexibility for Bangladeshi students seeking education in Europe. If you want to study in Europe without IELTS, Poland can be the best option for you. 

Studying in Austria without IELTS

Some universities in Austria, such as the University of Vienna, offer courses in English and might accept alternative English proficiency tests or other qualifications in place of IELTS.

Studying in Belgium without IELTS

Belgium, with its diverse educational landscape, has universities like KU Leuven offering English-taught programs and occasionally waiving the IELTS requirement for students fulfilling specific criteria.

Studying in Netherlands IELTS

While some universities in the Netherlands may still require IELTS, others like Maastricht University have alternative language proficiency requirements or English-taught programs where students from Bangladesh can apply without IELTS scores.

Alternatives to studying in Europe without IELTS

While IELTS is a widely accepted language proficiency test, some European universities offer alternatives. There are also some alternatives to study in Europe without IELTS. They may accept other English language assessments like:

  • TOEFL: Test of English as a Foreign Language.
  • PTE: Pearson Test of English.
  • Cambridge English Exams: Such as C1 Advanced or C2 Proficiency.
  • Duolingo English Test: An online proficiency test gaining acceptance by various universities.

Other ways to study in Europe without IELTS

  • English-Taught Programs: Several European universities offer programs taught entirely in English, waiving the necessity for standardized language tests. In such cases, demonstrating English proficiency through your academic records or by attending English-medium schools may suffice.
  • Pathway Programs: Pathway or foundation programs are designed for international students who don’t meet direct entry requirements. These preparatory courses provide language training alongside academic modules, preparing students for university-level studies without mandating IELTS. If you want to study in Europe without IELTS, you can take pathway programs also. 

10 Popular universities to study in Europe without IELTS

If you wish to study at the top-ranked European universities without IELTS, you can appear for other English language tests like TOEFL, PTE, Duolingo, etc.  Also, you can appear for a video interview to submit MOI certificates clarifying that you have studied in English. Here is a list of top-ranked universities to study in Europe without IELTS.

Aarhus UniversityDenmark
LUT UniversityFinland
Norwegian University of Science and TechnologyNorway
Lund UniversitySweden
Warsaw University of TechnologyPoland
Ghent UniversityBelgium
University of PisaItaly
University of CopenhagenDenmark
Jagiellonian UniversityPoland
Dublin Institute of TechnologyIreland

Final words

Want to study in Europe without IELTS? This guide should provide a detailed overview for Bangladeshi students looking to pursue higher education in Europe without the IELTS requirement. Always ensure to verify the latest admission criteria and requirements directly through AIMS Education to stay updated on any changes.


Are there any scholarships available for Bangladeshi students to study in Europe without IELTS?

Ans: Yes, several scholarships are available for Bangladeshi students, such as Erasmus Mundus scholarships, DAAD scholarships (for Germany), and Swedish Institute scholarships, among others.

Will I face any language barriers while studying in Europe without IELTS?

Ans: While the language of instruction might be English, familiarizing yourself with the local language can enhance your overall experience and interaction with the community. However, it’s not mandatory for your studies in many cases.

Can I work part-time while studying in Europe without IELTS?

Ans: Yes, many European countries allow international students to work part-time while studying. However, there might be restrictions on working hours, so it’s essential to check the specific regulations of the country you plan to study in.

Is it possible to study in Europe without IELTS?

Ans: Yes, Bangladeshi students can study in Europe without IELTS. Many European universities and countries offer alternatives to the IELTS requirement for international students, including those from Bangladesh.

Is IELTS required for Denmark?

Ans:  Proof of English language proficiency is evidence that you have enough funds for your stay in Denmark (around 1,000 EUR/month) Detailed information regarding your study program.

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