UK Health Insurance For International Students

UK Health Insurance For International Students [2025]

If you want to study in the UK, you must hear about the UK Health Insurance. But do you know what health care insurance is, why you need to pay for it, and how much does health insurance cost for international students in the UK?

The NHS (National Health Services) is one of the best healthcare systems in the world. UK health insurance provides students with a wide range of services through the NHS, including appointments with the doctor, dental care, and hospital treatment. 

This article will cover every detailed information about health insurance for students in UK. So, check out the article to become familiar with IHS and NHS in the UK.

What Is The UK Immigration Healthcare Surcharge?

The immigration healthcare surcharge or IHS is a UK healthcare insurance that the non-EEA migrants need to pay as part of their application process.  The healthcare surcharge is an additional fee included in your visa application. You will need to pay the UK health insurance fee if you are-

  • A citizen of non-European country
  • Coming to the UK for 6 months or longer

Paying the IHS means you will get emergency medical services in the UK, including hospital and further medical treatment. But keep in mind that you have to pay for eye tests, dental treatments, and prescriptions.

cost of health insurance in uk for international students

As an international student now the question is how much money you need to pay as a UK healthcare surcharge fee. The exact money that you’ve to pay depends on the length of your visa. According to the Gov.UK, the amount of UK health insurance cost for international students is-

  • £776 per year for a student visa or mobility scheme visa
  • £776 per year for visa and immigration applicants (if you are under 18)
  • £1,035 per year for all other visa applications

If you are living in the UK for 6 months or less you need to pay-

  • For inside the UK – £388 for student and mobility visa and £517.50 for other visa
  • For outside the UK- You don’t need to pay any surcharge fee if you are coming to the UK for less than 6 months

How To Pay For The UK Health Insurance?

According to the Gov.UK, if you are making an online immigration application you must have to pay the health insurance fee as a part of your application. You must complete the payment and return to the online immigration application in less than 30 minutes. 

However, if you are making the immigration application by post, you must pay the UK health insurance fee before completing your application. You have to pay the healthcare surcharge by credit or debit card.

The information you will be asked for while applying online or offline.

While applying online, an international student will be asked for

  • The start and end dates of the certificate of sponsorship.
  • The course dates (if you are applying as a student)

While applying for a post, an international student will be asked for

  • The visa type you are applying for
  • Travel document and passport number
  • An email address

What Is NHS?

NHS elaborately stands for National Health Service and is a 10-digit unique identifier number. It’s recommended as the best UK health insurance service provider. To identify you correctly, UK healthcare service providers use this number. The number is for your identification. You do not need this number to get the NHS services. When you get your health insurance done, you will get the NHS services like a citizen of the UK.

How To Find The NHS Number?

  • You can find the NHS number through the documents and letters sent to you by NHS. Such as the prescriptions, test results, hospital letters, etc.
  • You can find the NHS number on the NHS website.
  • You can call your GP surgery to get your NHS number.

When Can A Student Start To Use The NHS Services?

As an international student, you can use the NHS services when-

  • You have paid the health insurance/ healthcare surcharge.
  • The application for your visa and immigration is granted.

After accessing the healthcare insurance, an international student needs to provide-

  • Biometric residence permit.
  • Use your share code to prove your status online.

Do The NHS Cover All The Healthcare Services?

You can’t get all the healthcare services by making health insurance through the NHS. You need to pay for specific services such as prescriptions, dental treatment, eye tests, and assisted conception.

What Services Does An International Student Get Through NHS?

After getting registered with the national health services by paying the fee of UK health insurance, you will get all the facilities provided by the NHS. Here we will discuss the benefits of NHS will deliver to international students.

NHS covered services

  • You can consult a doctor by visiting a government-funded clinic.
  • Consultation with your GP.
  • In an emergency, you can get hospital treatment.
  • Public clinics will offer you treatment for minor injuries.
  • You can consult with a specialist after getting referred by a general practitioner.
  • Maternal issues like contraception.

What Is The GP Register, And How To Register For A GP Surgery?

The GP register lists doctors who are available and eligible for appointments and work as general practitioners in the UK. GPs are highly skilled doctors and offer great care to the citizens of the UK.

So How To Register For A GP Surgery In The UK?

Anyone in the UK can register for a completely free GP surgery. Most of the general practitioners in the UK own a website. You can register through it. If you have missed the online process, you can contact via phone call, email or by visiting the clinic.Usually, you do not need an ID proof to register with a GP, but you might get help if you have the following documents. They are- passport, birth certificate, hostel/accommodation certificate, etc.To know more about UK health insurance, like who is bound to do it and who can be exempted from it, you can visit our student consultancy firm, AIMS Education. The experienced counsellors of AIMS Education can help you from application to visa processing. Make your study abroad journey easy and simple with the AIMS education-a student consultancy firm.

FAQ– Frequently asked questions

Is it mandatory to pay for health insurance in UK?

Ans: Yes. If you are coming to the UK for more than 6 months, you must pay the UK health insurance/ Surcharge fee.

Who does not need to pay the UK health insurance/IHS reference number?

Ans: For visiting the UK you need to pay the ISH/ healthcare surcharge fee if you are-
If you are applying for indefinite leave.
If you are a health and care worker.
If you are applying to the EU settlement scheme.
If you are a diplomat or a member of an armed force.
If you are under 18 and taken care of by the local authority.
If you are applying for the Isle of Man or channel island.
If you are an asylum seeker.

Can I get the money back from health insurance?

Ans: Yes, the UK health insurance fee is refundable if your visa gets rejected or if you withdraw your application before the decision is made.

How much is UK health insurance for international students?

Ans: According to the Gov.UK the health insurance fee for international students is £776. But if your course duration is less than 6 months you don’t have to pay any surcharge fee.

What is the best health insurance for international students in UK?

Ans: The National Health System is known as the best UK health insurance service provider for international students in UK.

Is health insurance in the UK free for international students?

Ans: The UK health insurance/ immigration health surcharge will entitle international  students to access the NHS with no additional cost in the same way as a resident of UK.

Do I need to pay health insurance in UK?

Ans: If you are coming to the UK for more than 6 months you must have to pay £776 per year for student visa and mobility visa. For other visas you will have to pay £1,035 per year.

Is healthcare expensive in UK?

Ans: The UK has a free publicly funded healthcare system that is NHS. But there are also some private healthcare providers that you can choose if you wish.

How much is health insurance in UK?

Ans: According to the Gov.UK the health insurance fee for international students is £776 per year. And for other visas you need to pay £1,035 per year.  But if your course duration is less than 6 months you don’t have to pay any surcharge fee in UK.

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